Ulnar hand (claw hand)
It develops due to a weakness of the deep muscles of your hand. To improve the strength of these muscles, you will need to work on gripping objects. This can be done with objects around the house. Start small with objects that can be easily held and squeezed with light resistance. Examples of these objects include stress balls and pillows. Then work your way up to a tennis ball. Squeeze these objects with two to three fingers at a time to improve the strength of each individual finger. Additionally it is always a good idea to see your doctor for follow-up evaluation and for possible referral to a certified athletic trainer who can outline a progression of exercises for you.
Exercise and its purpose Muscles:
Exercising to build muscle strength
has many benefits. Core muscles provide stability to every movement, so a
strong core is a must. Remember that your core is more than your
stomach muscles -- it includes all the muscles that surround your spine,
including your hips and mid to lower back. Strengthening these can help
prevent low back pain and help you do all types of exercise with
greater strength and ease.